Welcome to Our Place in Space online learning portal.
Please scroll down and read below for more details and access to our first two courses:
Astro Kids
A Beginners Guide to Astronomy
I am currently building more information about practical astronomy into the site too. If you want to know more about telescopes and what to look for in the night sky go to the practical astronomy section.
Thank you for your patience whilst we continue to develop and make improvements to the site. For more updates follow our Facebook page by searching for Our Place in Space.
Available courses

Astro Kids
Please enrol your mini astronauts here to start their journey into space.
As a special offer signing up currently costs just £2 for life and for this you will have access to:
Eight unique lessons. The topics covered are;
- Journey to the Moon
- Life in Space
- The Planets
- The Solar System
- The Sun and Stars
- The Milky Way and Galaxies
- The Universe
- Do Aliens Exist?
- Access to more links and video clips for you to share with your astro kids to support each lesson.
- Exclusive access to forums where you can post the questions your little ones have about space.
- NEW Games and Interactive Station - Links to space related learning games and interactive activities
- Fun ideas for easy science experiments that you can complete with your children at home using every day household items.

A Beginner's Guide to Astronomy (Secondary KS4 - 5 and Adult)
Enrol now to access the full course for just £3!
Start your journey into the world of astronomy and astrophysics with this interactive online course. Join us as we study four fundamental units of work: Our Solar System, Stars, Cosmology and Life. Sign up and start learning today by enrolling on the course now.
Included with your enrolment:
- 4 Units of study each of which is broken down into 3 or 4 smaller lessons.
- Forums to discuss each lesson with the course author and other users
- Links to video clips to watch and interactive applets and simulations
- A short assessment at the end of each unit
- Certificate of completion once the final assessment has been completed.
Once signed up you will have constant access to all updates in future.
To start the course please click on the “access” button below.

Practical Astronomy - Telescopes and Observing the night sky
Now that you have learnt all about whats up there it is time to wrap up warm and head outside. I have teamed up with Stargazing UK Ltd to give you some hints and tips to get you set up for a night under the stars.
This section contains links with advice on what to look for in the night sky and also some of the best equipment that you might need to help you get some awe inspiring views of the universe.

Content Summary : A beginners guide to astronomy
Please find a short summary of each of the four units of work studied in The beginners guide to astronomy.

About the author
A brief introduction to the history behind the course and the author.